Teen advocates in India demand free public transportation and better schools at their Freedom for Girls convention. https://t.co/NHc9mEMqno pic.twitter.com/wAJSnb7IYv
— Womenstrongintl (@womenstrongintl) December 11, 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Young women call for #freepublictransport
Friday, December 6, 2019
#Publictransport fares reduced in Bengaluru
Twitter brainstorm: #BMTCforAll
— BusPrayanikaraVedike (@BBPVedike) December 5, 2019
Reform agenda 1: Reduce the fares
Yes, yes.. the govt has already announced its decision to reduce the bus fares and we are mighty happy about it! pic.twitter.com/v1N7G8c4c4
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Ridership jumps 10 percentage points with fare-free plan
The number of female commuters in public buses in the national capital has jumped by nearly 10 per cent since the implementation of the Delhi government's free-ride scheme for women, official data released on Wednesday showed.https://www.businesstoday.in/current/economy-politics/10-rise-in-female-commuters-in-delhi-public-buses-since-free-ride-scheme-launch/story/390739.html
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Cities need free public transport to create some space
Free public transport is something that all cities should try and work towards. It is one of the important set of measures that can help sustain urban spaces in India going forward with most cities clogged by pvt vehicles. This has been attempted by several cities in the world
— Ayush (@AyushyaKhanna) November 16, 2019
Friday, November 1, 2019
Savings in pollution costs will more than pay for Delhi free public transport
Do you know how much Delhi/country losing for pollution..it is up to 8.5% of GDP...…. this cost will be reduced if pollution gets reduced.. that cost will be more than enough to fund free public transport!!!!
— Sachin Pandey (@serioussachin) October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Disingenuous attack on fare-free public transport
First, reduce it to an accounting problem.
The key to operating a free public transport is to identify alternate sources of revenue to finance it. Sustaining a free transport policy in the long-term, especially during times of economic volatility, can be highly strenuous. ...We wonder if the automobile system could withstand a sharp pencil analysis. But that will never happen because the costs of cars are never included specifically in budgets. They are just considered necessary costs of development.
Second, repeat the big lie: "Fares are needed to pay the costs of public transport"
While financial performance is critical for operating public transport, increasing the fare is not the best solution. The approach to the problem will change once it is realised that the objective of operating public transport is not to generate revenue but to offer affordable services to citizens. The need of the hour is to find innovative solutions to make public transport affordable for all.Here, the same writer admits that fares are for rationing, not revenue.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Use public transit, reduce traffic
If you are a resident of Delhi and complain about steep increase in penalty for traffic violations. Please sell you vehicle and use the money to travel on Metro. 1/n@nsvirk @FreePublicTrans @ArvindKejriwal @IPSMadhurVerma @KapilSharmaK9
— Akhil Sehgal (@akhil_shgl) September 6, 2019
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Does this look like a good way to move people?

The Metropolitan Traffic Police Division office said that on average the hotline responds to 2,000 to 3,000 phone calls every day. Most of the calls are inquiries from the public about traffic jams in Kathmandu Valley and the highways, and complaints against public vehicles.http://kathmandupost.ekantipur.com/news/2019-07-10/traffic-police-hotline-103-gets-thousands-of-complaints-every-day.html
Monday, June 10, 2019
India - Bank CEO calls for #freepublictransport
A developed country is not the one where poor have cars, but where all including the rich use public transport. Small country called Estonia leads the way. Free public transport for all! https://t.co/4m87JN6DGz
— Uday Kotak (@udaykotak) June 8, 2019
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Fare-free fever in India
Shortly after the Delhi Chief Minister’s decision to provide free transport to women, a Shiv Sena corporator from Pune has also demanded that the city follows suit of the national capital.